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What is a kidney failure?

Kidney failure happens when the kidneys lose the ability to function effectively to filter the waste from the blood. Some of the factors which interfere with your kidney health and function are:

  1. Severe dehydration
  2. Acute and chronic diseases
  3. Toxic exposure to toxic pollutants
  4. Certain medications
  5. Kidney trauma

What are the types of kidney diseases?

There are 2 types

  1. Chronic kidney disease: these are the longstanding disorders that causes renal failure
  2. Acute Kidney disease: It is a condition in which kidneys cannot filter suddenly the wastage from the blood

How to know you have kidney infection?

To see whether you have a kidney infection, doctors might do tests, like:

  1. Urine tests to look for bacteria or different indications of infection, like white blood cells, in your urine
  2. Blood tests
  3. Imaging tests to look at your kidneys like a X-ray, ultrasound or CT scan
  4. Rectal exam for men, where the specialist places a gloved, lubricated finger into the anus to check whether the prostate organ is enlarged and hinders the flow of urine.

Kidney failure treatment

  1. Dialysis
  2. Kidney transplant
  3. Kidney failure diet
  4. Low sodium and potassium
  5. Limit phosphorous
  6. Follow protein guidelines

Seek treatment immediately

It is vital to seek clinical treatment for a kidney infection as quickly as possible don't wait for it to disappear on its own. Kidney infections that are not treated soon enough can cause long-lasting kidney damage or can spread to different parts of your body and cause a much more serious infection, like a infection in your blood (sepsis), which can be deadly.

How to prevent kidney infections?

You might be able to lower your possibility of getting a kidney infection by:

  1. Drinking a lot of water
  2. Urinating when you want to
  3. Urinating after having sex
  4. Wiping off front to back after going to the bathroom if you are a woman. This assists with keeping bacteria from your vagina or anus from getting into your urethra.
  5. Keeping away from the utilization of deodorant sprays or douches in your genital region

If you have pain, talk to your doctor about taking over-the-counter pain medicines. You can also use a heating pad to help with pain. Also, be sure to drink plenty of water.

Visit Dr. MV Sai Krishna the top Nephrologist at Sunrise Kidney Centre offering Poison kidney failure treatment in Vijayawada

Dr. M.V. Sai Krishna

Chief Nephrologist & Transplant Physician

Consultant Nephrologist